
What to Do After a Car Accident

Every year thousands of people involved in the traffic accidents during the holiday Labour Day if you are one lucky person those you know how to do, the consequences in the event of a collision or no. Your response can prevent further damage to reduce costs and speed up the cleaning and repair process.

Consumer Protection Association of Memorial Day Americans is to increase awareness of the public before the week specified, "Driver of the National Education Week." On the issue of the Association has developed a list of instructions that will help drivers to guess they needed. need to know about the accident treatment

"These tips can help protect yourself and your passengers to make sure that you will not drive while you shop is a big difference at all different" Reb Dr. Ruth, chairman of the association said.

Police reported more than 6.3 million accidents occur in the United States in 1998, nearly one-third of these injuries result from accidents in 2001, nearly 42.000 people died in road Estados Unidos obvious that the incident is. part of life in the United States.

So if you are in a traffic collision, try to remain calm and follow these steps.

Action Plan and manage the incident.

1 to the first aid kit in the store of your drivers should carry a cell phone, just like a pen to write on the scene of the traffic from the camera with allergies and medical documents that are relevant or conditions may require. important that the card has been seriously injured also store phone numbers in the list of units, law enforcement, the driver can maintain freedom in the box gloves, they are filled with - - Accident Form accident DocuDent ™ Kit. ($ 19.95) by AAA and the insurance company to support a package that includes comprehensive torch, using a new camera and document the accident chamas cone triangle warning or emergency should be stored in a remote setting.

2 to secure it before King accidents are not serious injuries should move cars to the Driver of the road out of traffic coming to stay in the middle of Junction Road, a busy or parked may lead to accidents. Cars and casualties if car can not move the driver and passengers should remain with the people in the car seat belt to each other for help comes, be sure to open fire hazards and installing the cone, alargamentos or triangle. Warning, if possible.

3 the exchange of information after the accident, exchange the following information: name, address, phone number insurance your policy, the number of driver's license of the driver and owner license plate if a driver is the name of the insured person from The difference is the relationship established what it is and remove the names and addresses of all persons is also writing a description of each car, including year, model and color - and the exact location of the collision, and how. It happens that the last polite but did not tell the other driver or police of the incident is your fault, even if you think it is.

4 photos, and documents the accident to use your camera to save all of motor damage, remember that you want to send your photos displayed within the framework of the overall accident may make a claim if your kit set up if available. Witnesses tried to give their contact information, they may help you if you have any other driver disputes that arise.

5 file the accident report, although in many places law enforcement officer may stop responding than accident car accident report should be sent to the state, it can be in the police and the Department of Motor Vehicle site often to download the report file police often Insurance companies will help speed up the claims.

6 know insurance you the following steps to guarantee all will be easier, an accident of if you know the details of the coverage of, for example, do not wait until you have an accident, find out what your policy will not pay. the towing automatic or replacement cost rental cars typically only dollar or two extra per month, you can add draw the rent which is less money or none at all to rent a car and repair your car or. theft in the area check your specific policy.

Deal with accidents that happen to be the last question that pays for compensation if the accident is minor, you and other drivers may decide to deal with insurance companies to participate without compensation for himself, but this never The best idea for several reasons.

Drivers other may agree to pay the day of the damage that an accident with your car, and he could see the repair and decided to too high at this point of time through the company's insurance, you will have a very difficult time. by piecing together evidence in the case that you claim.

Also, remember that you do not know what drove the other to change his mind and reported to the insurance company of his in a way that is not expected, he also claimed that no injury site of the incident, which means that the insurance company. You might be paying solution harder for him or bad, you can drag the case, so make sure your company has a version of what happened and make sure your policy - if your insurance company to pay accident compensation as per This may not be treated as a number of charges you will avoid penalties increased premiums.

Car accident takes calls formidable individual in the financial and emotional, if you have to avoid so far, serious accidents, I hope the tips on prevention will help one lucky person this probability. high, but at that point you will be a small accident related, some just keep a clear head, so the main security issues, you will have enough time to deal with the consequences later.