
Reckless Driving Accidents

Driving is one of the most dangerous for Americans. Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for people under the age of 35 years. Why America supports the use of cars, more socialized hesitate to accept people without a car. Rarely people are afraid to go by car, for example. During this casual attitude may be difficult to become a concern, you can customize the behavior of the driver.


Reckless driving practices involve any travel behaviors that compromise the safety or hurt others. Examples of such practices:

• Acceleration of speed limit signs is one of the most frequently violated traffic laws. In our hectic society, many people can not think twice about accelerator and accelerated to 80 mph. high speed to increase your risk of driving accidents Unfortunately, as your reaction narrowsTime slot. In addition, accidents that occur at high speeds tend to cause serious injury or death.

• Running red lights and stop, stop at a red light or speed through a yellow, is a dangerous practice that is often the result of a driver in a hurry or frustrated. Whatever the reason or intention for running a red light is extremely dangerous, since the directions of the other participants in the traffic movement, the right of way. Injuries resulting from thisBehavior can cause collisions generally T-bone, the flashover.

• weaving in / out of transport, many drivers young and carefree I think it's fun to weave in and out of traffic, especially on highways. While this adrenaline rush you get is not safe for you or other drivers around you. little mistake, do, or unexpected behavior of another driver can cause an accident to a disaster.

Tailgating-following vehicles • approaching traffic to your "cushion". When the driver brakes suddenly in front of you must have, tailgaters at increased risk of collisions. The NHTSA recommends that cars have a 3 second window of his car and the car in front of them.

• Racing rule only attend the young drivers in road races. For several reasons the race is uncertain. The high-speed sewing can close and unpredictable environment, a serious> Incident.

If you are a reckless driver were involved in a car accident can be held liable for the injuries. For more information about the legal action against reckless drivers on the car lawyers of the city of New York accidents at Parker Waichman Alonso, LLP today.

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