
Stupid Car Accident - I should refer the question?

There are no stupid car accident out there. They happen every day. But the fall, thousands of people the right to file insurance claims because they feel shame. People know that the presentation of a claim that is "inferior"
Amount will only increase their rates. Decide that it is better to pay out of pocket and call it good.

Is this a good approach? The reasoning is certainly sound. However, there are some things you should know before thisDecision.

They are required to report damage to your insurance company. No matter what you give is a "stupid accident" or one with minimal. to call the insurance policy spells your duty and report what happened. They just have a time "reasonable" in what is a reasonable time to call? That is up to debate, but more than twelve months will likely have no coverage.

The consequences of not filing a claim are severe. L 'Insurance may refuse to pay for losses or damage to third parties, the claims against you. If you have backed up in your garage, you are safe. However, if you hit a pole, the bar owner to look two years later (depending on the requirement of your state). If you have more interest in your vehicle, and refused to call at least the insurance, then you have to defend yourself.

If this is done? Yes, it works!People try to sue if they think they get up to $ 5. Do not report a car accident stupid could end up costing a bundle in legal fees.

In fact, the "pole" does not give very big concern. However, if you touch another car, then you could make a claim for personal injury. It could be the person in the vehicle or other things their
Passenger. No matter what the question is ridiculous. We must defend ourselves. Setting aLawyer is not cheap, and if you have failed in the application, then the insurance is not a defense for you.

Do you think there are frivolous cases out there? Yes, every day, and it seems there are lawyers willing to sue a bit 'all. Are you not the victim of a stupid car accident, the report of the application.

Most of the time call your agent is not enough. Make sure you have the current department of insurance claims. SomeAgents not to submit a question. They believe that the claim is not a big deal and not file. When this happens, the insurer may still decline to defend you, and you should have after the mistakes of the agents' and omissions insurance to go (a great pain you know where).

Be aware there by some agents. Most of them are very good and very honest, but there are some who are to sell you a policy to prevent or in the form of a notice. Insurance agents to be cut
Insurance charges. You also get additional incentives from the sale of policies that are in any appeals. The agent's interest to discourage you to fill in that stupid car accident.

You can always call the insurance company and report the claim to your cover. Then you can tell them that it comes with the same question. If you are a stupid accident, then your statement is really
A disc is a request for information and close yourFile. Now you are fully protected, even when an action is frivolous faced by all against you.

Visit for http://www.auto-insurance-claim-advice.com/Duty-to-Report-Losses.html
For more information on your obligation to report claims.

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