
main causes of road accidents

Experts say that the main causes of road accidents is driver distraction. dangerous distractions, injuries can lead to include mobile phones and other gadgets to use the drivers as you drive. Mobile phones, laptops, electric shavers, etc. caused drivers to take their eyes off the road for seconds at a time with the potential to cause a serious accident, if not fatal. In response to this, some U.S. states banned the use of hand-cellCell phones while driving people. The alternative is an ear bud hands-free, easy use and convenient, and allows the driver to have a conversation without deviations.

Another distraction is dangerous when a driver has been drinking and then tried to drive. The effects of alcohol and increases the chaos step with the times. Who is with a blood alcohol content of 0.01 as unfit to drive. The effects of poisoning include drowsiness, loss of focusand the inability to judge distances and reaction times.

Rubbernecking jostles habits and other potentially dangerous practice, in many driving. Rubbernecking occurs when drivers to slow down the appearance of highway in another accident on the road or see anything unusual about that. If a driver slows a car down payment too quickly, in a car behind the drivers often do not have enough time to slow down or stop and not run into the rear of the vehicle in. Lead can cause serious injury collisions. The same goes for tailgating, the driver, the machine is too narrow for one can not be enough to stop suddenly the distance and the potential for a serious incident is a prominent figure.

A driver behavior has caused many accidents are caused by other conditions of mechanical failure or a road. There are technical solutions available to help with these problems and have led to a decrease in contributionsMortality rates due to road accidents. This includes monitors neighbor who leaves us in respect of a driver knows how to close the vehicle they are simple detectors to measure the amount of alcohol consumed and the resulting monitor driver that the alarm the driver when his car drift too far to one side of the road or the other.

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How to make your self strong statement?

Car accidents are unique and can never be another exactly the same, understandably, for the reason that car accidents will be similar although the differences were small. It 'important, the demand for a solution of the most successful. The complaint must be planned methodically, taking into account the various elements necessary to strengthen the case. The site of the most important information gathered before the accident, so if youinvolved in an accident, it is important to shock you to return immediately after the trade '.

To make your car accident claim should demonstrate stronger party to the relevant facts that the accident occurred due to negligence des other to strengthen the evidence, the scene of the accident, gather the important following information.

Or write down the name, address and telephone number of the participant. The exchangepersonal information is a legal requirement in an accident.

O Discover the insurance number of the participant and the name of the insurance company. As per regulation, each driver must be insured against accidents.

or collect the details of another type of auto parts, color and license plate.

Or taking pictures of the accident site and the affected area.

Harvest or name, address andTelephone number of witnesses, if present at the accident site.

Harvest or police the name and ID number and a copy of an accident report.

If you are injured or for a medical opinion from a doctor.

O Tell your insurer about the accident immediately after the accident.

A car accident claim, photos can be highly valued documents and is supported with the right. AlthoughThe information is collected, you are entitled absolutely necessary to strengthen your claim may be stronger if there is a car accident claims specialist lawyer to manage the process of affirmation of your submission. A specialist and experienced attorney to handle the account of the right of injury and the company negotiate with the insurance case is sure to enhance your requests. There is a risk of weakening your request when you try to evade the request directlyApproach to the insurance company. Chances are that the insurance company interested party pay the maximum effort for short runs. A specialist and experienced car accident lawyer is the ideal person to extend the strong law of negotiations with insurance companies to settle up.

The passengers of the car is responsible for the car accident, so if you are a victim of your passenger is not requiredof course, be stronger. Your request will immediately be strong, even if the driver is to blame for causing the accident.

While working on road accident claims that must be considered very important that your case will be strong only if you are innocent in the case of an accident. You may also find more car accident case lawyer to handle your specific type of view your needs.

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Reckless Driving Accidents

Driving is one of the most dangerous for Americans. Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for people under the age of 35 years. Why America supports the use of cars, more socialized hesitate to accept people without a car. Rarely people are afraid to go by car, for example. During this casual attitude may be difficult to become a concern, you can customize the behavior of the driver.


Reckless driving practices involve any travel behaviors that compromise the safety or hurt others. Examples of such practices:

• Acceleration of speed limit signs is one of the most frequently violated traffic laws. In our hectic society, many people can not think twice about accelerator and accelerated to 80 mph. high speed to increase your risk of driving accidents Unfortunately, as your reaction narrowsTime slot. In addition, accidents that occur at high speeds tend to cause serious injury or death.

• Running red lights and stop, stop at a red light or speed through a yellow, is a dangerous practice that is often the result of a driver in a hurry or frustrated. Whatever the reason or intention for running a red light is extremely dangerous, since the directions of the other participants in the traffic movement, the right of way. Injuries resulting from thisBehavior can cause collisions generally T-bone, the flashover.

• weaving in / out of transport, many drivers young and carefree I think it's fun to weave in and out of traffic, especially on highways. While this adrenaline rush you get is not safe for you or other drivers around you. little mistake, do, or unexpected behavior of another driver can cause an accident to a disaster.

Tailgating-following vehicles • approaching traffic to your "cushion". When the driver brakes suddenly in front of you must have, tailgaters at increased risk of collisions. The NHTSA recommends that cars have a 3 second window of his car and the car in front of them.

• Racing rule only attend the young drivers in road races. For several reasons the race is uncertain. The high-speed sewing can close and unpredictable environment, a serious> Incident.

If you are a reckless driver were involved in a car accident can be held liable for the injuries. For more information about the legal action against reckless drivers on the car lawyers of the city of New York accidents at Parker Waichman Alonso, LLP today.

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What to do if you were in a car accident

When in a car accident is an incredibly stressful event. After a crash, your heart beats and the head turns. 'S incredibly difficult to recompose and then the ability to think clearly. The adrenaline can cloud your ability to think and make you more emotional than you would otherwise. Normally calm people can come out of their vehicle ready for comparison. Others are what happened and who spoke without fear. It isincredibly difficult to start thinking rationally what is happening.

Unfortunately, just after a crash, you need to calm down and begin to think clearly what you are doing. Of course remain at all times. Do not go on any road where other cars on the road. Leave the scene of an accident. In addition, here are some more specific guidelines for what to do after an accident.

Ensure that all members of SAFE car.

TheirThe first priority should always be all the necessary medical attention as soon as possible. Check if you are injured. Having a quick scan of your body to see if you notice any pain or bleeding. See if you have numbness or tingling in your body.

Check your passengers. See if they respond to your voice. Is there anyone in his hand bleeding or pain? Similarly, people in the vehicle control, whether you can protect.

If someone sees a car as they need medicalAttention, call 911 immediately. Err on the side of an ambulance. The call for the police is a prudent move if the incident was not serious. Try your position as accurately as possible, so that the first responders found the relay to you.

Whatever you do, do not try to move seriously hurt someone, and if you try specialized medical training, not someone else's treatment of injuries.

Do not argue with the other driver

Your emotionswill be high, and then with the other driver. Regardless of who was at fault, an accident is a traumatic event for both drivers. Do not let your car and scream the other drivers. Nothing good will come from this. If the other driver gets out his car and starts screaming at you, walk away from it (though not from the accident site).

In contrast to see if the driver needs medical treatment, you must gather a moment of calm andHad preliminary discussions with the other driver.

Do not apologize for the incident

No matter what we got I do not apologize for the incident and say that the crash was not your fault. People have commented on a powerful. After an accident, you can calm the other driver, especially if the person is angry. Not. If you apologize or say that the accident was your fault that should have been done differently or something that you can speak basicyour feelings rather than facts, you can go wrong, and you will very likely eliminate the possibility of winning a lawsuit against another person. I do not know enough about who to blame for the accident.

On the other hand, if the driver, please make a note of apology, this one. It should also record that otherwise the other drivers to answer questions. This can be strong evidence in court.

START explore what happens

You need to gather some information fromScene of the disaster. You need to gather information from the other driver and any witnesses on the spot. If you do not want to collect this information may now be lost forever.

On the other driver, you must collect the driver's name, license number, address, registration number, make and model of his car, and the name of his insurance company and policy number. You should also take notes on things that might matter later. Is he drunk? Did notGlasses? It seems very tired? This is the kind of things that can be much later on the issue.

From each other on stage to try to collect their names and contact information, including their phone numbers and addresses. It may be that the eyewitnesses of the incident will never be found. But a few minutes to make sure they will come forward, you must use the time wisely. Also, do not assume that the police can interview them, the policetake a few minutes away, and be witnesses may have already spent time with the police.

Collaboration with the police

When the police arrive on the scene of the accident, officer spoke to the police. The police will write a report about the incident and what happened. The incident is then due to the insurance company to evaluate a claim. If you do not have the fear that your behavior is a violation of the law (for example, was because you hadDrinking before the crash), make sure the officer to hear your side of the story.

The official may ask if they are injured. This is not the time for your tears, so do not bother to remove the officer. If you think you have been violated, but it is fair to say that the policeman.

Also, if you are unsure if you have been injured and need urgent medical attention, ask for additional security, your doctor.

Finally, it is necessaryMake sure the police report the name and particulars to the police later. Normally, this is the station operates from the officer. The officer probably has a card that can give them this information.

After the crash

In the days after the accident, try to write what has happened in the accident to the best of your ability to remember. Add as much detail as possible. This information will disappear in your mind over time andyou can lose if you do not want to take at the time of the crash in the area. You should also make sure that you have a record of your injuries and how the body reacts to the crash. Make sure you take this protocol if you see your doctor. Finally, be sure to see your doctor immediately, the accident prone.

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Cell Phone Car Accidents

A recent study done in Australia show that chatting on your cell phone makes you four times more vulnerable to a serious car accident than someone who does not use a cell phone while driving. It also shows that no matter if you hold the phone or talking with a hands-free device. You have the wrong number when you think it is safe to drive. The study also showed that no matter if you're male or female or how old you were - the riskseverything seemed to be the same. The study showed that if you are driving and using a mobile phone, you are in danger and so are all the passengers in the car.

Starting takes full concentration and all manner of distractions can lead to serious consequences. The main problem with cell phones, if you keep them or talk about a speaker is to focus the mind on the call and not so much on the road. Talking and driving too slow response time of a driver, resulting in a rapid reactiona danger on the road to avoid the least likely. For example, when suddenly a slower car, and you're on a phone - it is less likely to see what happened until it's too late.

Senator Joe Simitian tried to pass a law in California prohibiting the driver, talking on the phone without handsfree. New York, New Jersey and Connecticut have already passed the law and the senator is sure to occur inCalifornia.

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More information about Car Accident Compensation

You have the right to compensation, the right car accident if you are ever in a car accident on the negligence of another. No, should not suffer the financial burden of your own wounds. Need to know what rights do you have in these situations so that you will be able to ensure that the type of support you will earn. What you may have suffered damage, the person should be able to extend some form of error,Help if your insurance provides. In addition, another part of the fault is not an excuse for not having such protection, such as auto insurance all states in the order Such protection will ensure that the injured party car crash the party is able to obtain the support that it is not necessary, to put his life back in order after a understand.

In a car accident, there are a number of things that could happen to you. You might be luckyenough to leave the accident with only some scratches. But even with minimal lesions, there are still borrowing costs to be kept under review for medical expenses and repairs. While these costs may be minimal, if not the money set aside for such accidents, you would need support to get through. E 'responsibility of the person guilty of the charge compensation for car accident her. In mostCases, these statements by the person at fault, the insurer settled. You must ensure you have entered all the details of your personal car business and necessary to their claim, that his insurance will be redirected to A.

Some car accidents can cause serious injury and damage. In the event of a serious work injury to cause permanent disability or inability to return, you may be able to file for a larger car accidentCompensation. In these cases, the services would normally be a good lawyer. This is due to determine what is necessary to obtain compensation for accident is not so simple. Obviously the medical bills and costs for replacing or repairing a car, in addition, there are other things that need to be as recurrent expenditure in calculating the amount of damage your car accident, including lost profits and other yourObstruction can lead to and then there are the intangibles, not easy to quantify. Even if the money could compensate for your fears, it is important that you get some form of compensation.

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Stupid Car Accident - I should refer the question?

There are no stupid car accident out there. They happen every day. But the fall, thousands of people the right to file insurance claims because they feel shame. People know that the presentation of a claim that is "inferior"
Amount will only increase their rates. Decide that it is better to pay out of pocket and call it good.

Is this a good approach? The reasoning is certainly sound. However, there are some things you should know before thisDecision.

They are required to report damage to your insurance company. No matter what you give is a "stupid accident" or one with minimal. to call the insurance policy spells your duty and report what happened. They just have a time "reasonable" in what is a reasonable time to call? That is up to debate, but more than twelve months will likely have no coverage.

The consequences of not filing a claim are severe. L 'Insurance may refuse to pay for losses or damage to third parties, the claims against you. If you have backed up in your garage, you are safe. However, if you hit a pole, the bar owner to look two years later (depending on the requirement of your state). If you have more interest in your vehicle, and refused to call at least the insurance, then you have to defend yourself.

If this is done? Yes, it works!People try to sue if they think they get up to $ 5. Do not report a car accident stupid could end up costing a bundle in legal fees.

In fact, the "pole" does not give very big concern. However, if you touch another car, then you could make a claim for personal injury. It could be the person in the vehicle or other things their
Passenger. No matter what the question is ridiculous. We must defend ourselves. Setting aLawyer is not cheap, and if you have failed in the application, then the insurance is not a defense for you.

Do you think there are frivolous cases out there? Yes, every day, and it seems there are lawyers willing to sue a bit 'all. Are you not the victim of a stupid car accident, the report of the application.

Most of the time call your agent is not enough. Make sure you have the current department of insurance claims. SomeAgents not to submit a question. They believe that the claim is not a big deal and not file. When this happens, the insurer may still decline to defend you, and you should have after the mistakes of the agents' and omissions insurance to go (a great pain you know where).

Be aware there by some agents. Most of them are very good and very honest, but there are some who are to sell you a policy to prevent or in the form of a notice. Insurance agents to be cut
Insurance charges. You also get additional incentives from the sale of policies that are in any appeals. The agent's interest to discourage you to fill in that stupid car accident.

You can always call the insurance company and report the claim to your cover. Then you can tell them that it comes with the same question. If you are a stupid accident, then your statement is really
A disc is a request for information and close yourFile. Now you are fully protected, even when an action is frivolous faced by all against you.

Visit for http://www.auto-insurance-claim-advice.com/Duty-to-Report-Losses.html
For more information on your obligation to report claims.

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